Rachel and Grenville built a successful business together, but their lives took a dramatic turn when Rachel was diagnosed with a rare and incurable illness. They've decided to retire early, downsize and make the most of their remaining time together. To fund their long-overdue honeymoon to Venice, they need to clear out their accumulated clutter and auction off their treasures and collectibles. Auctioneer Izzie Balmer uncovers a treasure trove of family heirlooms, including antique jewellery and silver, but can she turn them into gold at auction? In a garden shed, restorer Robin Johnson stumbles upon a battered croquet set. With some restoration, he hopes it'll be a hit with bidders. Parting with possessions proves a challenge for Rachel, particularly a collection of intricate silver ornaments she inherited from her grandfather. Grenville also faces a tough decision. His favourite collectible, a "swagger stick" with a connection to the greatest of all British naval commanders, Horatio Nelson, could be worth a small fortune. On auction day, Izzie pushes to secure the highest bids for the couple's items, allowing Rachel and Grenville to finally embark on their dream honeymoon to Venice.